Even field Negroes like to play.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

It's Madness!!!!

So March Madness is finally upon us. I must confess, along with the Super Bowl, the NBA finals, and the Penn Relays, this has become my favorite American sporting event. I love where we all get our office pools and pretend at least during the next couple of weeks, that we are smarter than all those ESPN analyst and paid basketball gurus out there. Forget that the winner of the pool will be some clueless old lady who picked her favorite teams because she liked their uniforms or she thought their coach was cute. Every year we mull over our picks as if this will be the year where we get all sixteen of the sweet sixteen teams right.

So what the heck, I will play along with everyone else in America and make some picks. Rather than bore you with all of my picks, I will give the you my sweet sixteen and my two finalist. Everything else is just up in the air as far as I am concerned.

So here goes:

EAST REGION: I am going chalk with North Carolina, check out my man Wayne Ellington, his game is all Philly. Then there is too much Durant and Texas, a minor upset with the 11th seeded George Washington, (Yeah Jimmy Calhoun isn't in this tourny, but his best recruiter ever, Karl Hobbs coaches down at GW and he has some athletes) and another slight upset pick with the 7th seeded Boston College. (I love Al Skinner)

SOUTH REGION: I am starting by going chalk again and picking Greg Oden and OSU. ("With the first pick in the draft, the [insert team here] select Greg Oden out of Ohio State University") I like Virginia to also shine in this region. (Check out their guards, one is a Philly guy, Sean Singletary, so you know they are nice) Texas A&M (Sorry Rick Pitino), and Memphis who I have loved all year and should have been a one seed.

MIDWEST REGION: Mmmmm minor upset here. I like Arizona taking out the Gators in the second round, I also like Maryland, Oregon, and Wisconsin who just might have the best player (Alando Tucker) in the country right now.

WEST REGION: Ahh I hate to do this, but I am going with Tubby and Kentucky over Kansas in the second round. I am also going with Va Tech (don't ask why just a gut feeling),Pitt, I know you didn't seriously think I was going to pick Duke did you, and UCLA. Ben Howland is an underrated coach and always gets it done come tournament time.

Your final four is; UCLA, Maryland, North Carolina, and Memphis.

So that's it folks. In a few days I am either going to look like a genius or a goat. But hey, at least I know I won't be alone. I bet only that little old lady in the office will be smiling.


SAMO said...

Maryland. If they get there, then you will certainly look like a genius!

BTW, I am going to live-blog all day and all night this Thursday at WBRS if you wanna stop by!

Stefan Ming said...

Very, very interesting... I got KU, Wisconsin, G-Town, and A & M with A & M taking down KU

Anonymous said...

Mini, I don't think Maryland is such a reach. I think Florida has lost something this year, and they are going down. That leaves the door wide open for the Terps.

Anonymous said...

Mini, I don't think Maryland is such a reach. I think Florida has lost something this year, and they are going down. That leaves the door wide open for the Terps.

grittysquirrels said...

I couldn't disagree with you more about Memphis being worthy of a 1 seed. I feel like they are a weak 2 seed as it is. Their only quality win was against Gonzaga really. I don't have them in the sweet 16 in like any of my brackets.

field negro said...

OK gritty, I think you are wrong about Memphis. But you know what they say: This is why they play the games.